Ep. 43- "One of Our Favorite Things"- The Heart of a Woman Retreat

At this Christmas season, Becky, Tiffany, and Autumn sit down to share one of their favorite things- The “Heart of a Woman” Retreat.   This retreat has been one of the most impactful resources in their individual healing journeys and brought healing to their relationships with God.

The Heart of a Woman retreat is a non-denominational Christian women’s retreat, all volunteer-run, held in the mountains of Utah, way out of cell phone range.  The retreat is based on the book “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldredge.  Autumn shares that it is a 3-day weekend all about your connection with God and leaving the world behind.  Becky adds that it is not a therapeutic retreat but the chance to step away and be with God.  Tiffany shares that she forgets about God sometimes and retreat is a chance to give 3 whole days to God.

The team discusses what retreat days look like, including speaker sessions and vows of silence (really, you are asked to not talk during these times and take your heart and questions to God). Many days also include adventure time with lots of options and you can check in with yourself to see what you need.  Hiking, shooting guns, taking a nap, coloring, reading, yoga, games, massage therapist.  

Retreat is an opportunity to take time away and really take care of your heart.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that this is not the place to share your story and you are asked to not share.  It is about your own journey and respecting other’s journeys.  Tiffany shares this helps keep the focus on the relationship with God.  Becky reminds us that retreat is not about figuring out someone else’s story or solving their problems.  Autumn shares that it is about connecting with God and other women to the level you would like.  Becky says that Betrayal Trauma can almost become your identity and retreat reminds us that this trauma is not who we are but is part of our journey.  Our wounds can take over and become who we are, but that is not who we are.  

Retreat is a powerful reminder that we are daughters of this Powerful God and we are destined for this larger story.

Autumn shares that a part of the retreat that means a lot to her is the prayer team, where attendees can ask to have prayers for them in their struggles. Two or three women in the prayer team will pray with you or for you.  You can share simply what you are struggling with or not at all.  She feels it is a good way to feel God’s love for you.  And if you feel like you have a hard time asking for prayers, you can also add a prayer request to the prayer box and someone on the prayer team will pray for that specific need.  Autumn says that it was a very different way of praying but it is so beautiful.

Becky shares that the prayer team is one of her favorite things about retreat and that she can feel the Lord’s wrap His arms around the women asking for prayers.  Tiffany says that she does not ask for things and it can be humbling to walk up to a stranger and ask for her to pray for her. 

It is the sweetest experience and I never leave retreat without asking for prayer once.

And one of the biggest parts of retreat is the music.  The team shares how much they love and connect with music, even though this Christian worship music is not something any of them grew up with.  And the beautiful thing about worship at the retreat is that you can just do what you feel comfortable with, stand up and sing or sit and listen.  It is up to you.

The beautiful setting in nature is another way that the Lord romances us.  He leaves Love Notes in many ways in our lives and retreat really opened our eyes to those things.  With retreats in the spring and fall, most people can find a way to attend!  Check out the website for upcoming retreats: https://www.theheartofawoman.net/

Becky shares that she loves battling for other women.  

We are all warriors for other women.

Specific Recovery Resources:

Heart of a Woman Retreat for upcoming dates:  https://www.theheartofawoman.net/

Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge   

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge 

KLOVE music- https://www.klove.com/


Autumn’s Song:

Rescue by Lauren Daigle