Ep. 39- Magda's Story

Show hosts Becky and Tiffany sit down with Magda to hear her story. Magda lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She loves words, creating things, and volunteering in her community.  She shares her thoughts and hope through her betrayal trauma account on Instagram- Girlfriend Restored.

Magda shares how her relationship with God when she was growing up was very basic. She knew of God, but it was in a distant and impersonal way.

Before she and her boyfriend began dating, he told her, “I have a porn issue.” However, Magda explains that, at the time, the depth and meaning of that sentence was lost on her, as she was numbing all of her feelings through her eating disorder. 

After four years of staggered disclosures and a long process of her own denial, Magda shares how she began wanting to see and understand the truth. She realized just how much her partner’s pornography use, lying, and angry explosions were affecting their relationship.

“The dark parts were very hard and isolating. I felt crazy,” Magda says.

During this time, she didn’t even consider God because she didn’t know how to go through really tough times with Him. Her head knew to go to God, but she didn’t. Her relationship with God was still very surface level.

Magda shares how this led her to question everything, which turned out to be a good thing because it led her to a more personal relationship with God. It was during this time that His word had the power to comfort her.

Magda explains that: “This gave me an opportunity to face what was happening and to not live on the surface anymore.”

Through this long process of healing, Magda has discovered that her instinct to control was not serving her. In addition, she had felt very hesitant to spend money on her healing, she has since learned that it is worth it to spend money on things that will help her heal.

Her advice to other women on this journey of healing through betrayal trauma is simple: Keep doing the little things that have been helping so far. For Magda, that has been sticking to a bedtime, checking in with herself, and reaching out to people she trusts.

When asked: “How are you finding restoration through Christ in this journey?” Magda says:

“Everything that He has placed along the way in my path, the people and resources, have helped me feel like maybe there is hope. [This hope has] given me the ability to do things I couldn’t do before.”

Magda’s Recovery Resources:

Bloom for Women: An online platform for women who are betrayed with classes, drop-in groups, book studies, weekly meditation groups, coach-led groups, and more.


Partner Hope: A blog run by Michelle Mays

Magda’s Betrayal Trauma Instagram Account: “Girlfriend Restored” @girlfriendrestored

Magda’s song:

Daj mi usłyszeć Twój głos - Mocni w Duchu - YouTube (“Let Me Hear Your Voice”)