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Becky- Host

Becky is a warrior woman who loves adventuring and traveling, art and music, and especially being with her family. She learned of her husband’s sexual addition while they were dating but never dreamed the large part it would play in her life.

Through her personal journey to find restoration, the Lord has guided Becky to her calling of supporting betrayed spouses and others suffering from the many forms of trauma experienced in life. She works as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counseling (LCMHC) with advanced training in Trauma-Informed Yoga, is trained in EMDR therapy, psychodrama and experiential therapy, is a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist through APSATS, and is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional.

Becky has been married to her best friend, Richard, for 23 years and they have 3 warrior children. Becky has found hope through individual, couples, and group therapy, 12-step groups, Therapy intensives, support from her own warrior therapist, physical self-care, and the Heart of a Woman Retreat.

Becky’s deepest restoration has come through allowing the Lord to heal their relationship. Her journey to God has brought her through many dark and painful times and she is grateful every day to live in HIS Light. She has promised to be a bearer of HIS Light, to stand and fight for those who are still learning to fight for themselves. She is thankful every day for God’s Grace. EVERY day!

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Tiffany- Co-host

Tiffany is a fun-loving adventurer. She loves the outdoors and trying new things. Her favorite hobbies include hikinh, yoga and traveling. Tiffany loves spending time with her family and friends. She is a mom and step-mom of 10 amazing kids and grandma to 1! Tiffany works as a Hospice Nurse and Holistic Recovery Coach. She is passionate about emotional health and natural health solutions.

Tiffany learned of her husband's pornography use and sexual addiction after about 2 years of marriage. Tiffany did not find support for about more 7 years. She began attending therapy regularly and intensively for 8 years. SO many therapies! Couples, group, marriage, individual, energy, conferences, seminars, 12-steps, on-line, retreats, you name it!! In 2017, her marriage ended in divorce. She met her miracle man in 2022 and was married in 2023. Through the grace and goodness of God, Tiffany has found peace and recovery all along the way. With God, all things are possible; and you never have to do this alone!


Autumn- Co-host

Autumn is a firm believer in the gift of hope. If there is anything that she could give a person it would be a knowledge that there is always hope. She is the wife of a recovering sex addict and she has a lot of recovery experience with betrayal trauma. Autumn and her husband have dedicated the last 13 years to helping others in their recovery process. As a couple they have been able to share their story and message of hope, recovery and the atonement to thousands through recovery programs, firesides,television, radio, Skype and podcasts.
Autumn is the Mom to three amazing kids and has been married to her awesome husband for 22 years.
She loves walking, baking, photography, playing card games and jewelry making in her spare time.


Deborah- Copy Editor

Deborah is grateful to be working with and learning from the other Rise up Restored team members. She has been married for twenty-one years and is the mother of four strong, fun-loving, and unique children. For the past couple of years, she has been on a quest to grow her relationship with the Lord and find healing.  Through specialized therapy, the support of compassionate and knowledgeable friends, and The Heart of a Woman retreat, Deborah is beginning to understand just how much the Lord is indeed by our side.  She’s learning what it means to rest in the Lord. He’s so patient with us and will never leave us. He loves us fiercely and without condition. 

Deborah loves her job as a paraeducator in an elementary school. She also loves cooking, cheering on her kids in their sports and plays, wandering through art museums, watching movies, searching for historical homes, reading four or five books at a time, and writing Christian romance novels. She believes story, in all of its forms, is so powerful. It’s through embracing the process of living the truth of our story that real strength, courage, and connection are found.

Erin- Copy Editor

Erin is thrilled to be part of the Rise Up Restored Team. Her own journey of restoration includes healing from the betrayal trauma of her husband's emotional infidelity and sex addiction. Walking through the darkness of that experience was life-changing and redefined her relationship with God, her Higher Power. Erin's Rock Bottom was a perfect storm where she found 12 steps through SA Lifeline, attended the Heart of a Woman retreat to begin her spiritual healing, and *qualified*, specialized therapy. She believes in honesty and vulnerability, and loves to support other women walking through similar darkness. Coming to understand that God WANTS to meet her in the pig pen of her life and walk with her through the darkness helped Erin learn to trust God and His love for her. Erin and her husband celebrate their new relationship daily and use their tools from therapy and 12 steps often, creating space for each other when life's curve balls happen (and they do happen).

Erin is the mom to 3 awesome kids and loves Disney and all the peanut butter cookies from Crumbl. She teaches math at a community college and tutors while her kids are sleeping. She has felt God calling her to share her story, and has started speaking locally about her healing journey from betrayal trauma. Erin attends weekly support meetings at church and at 12 step and sponsors other women walking the same path. She loves having Real conversations with others and strives for honesty and authenticity in all her interactions. Erin looks for Love Notes from God and loves to help other women see God working in their own lives. God knows the way out of the darkness because He IS the way out. Welcome to this safe place!

Richard - Sound Egineer

Bio coming soon.


Honoring with Great Thanks!

Former Co-Host - Kristy

My healing journey with the Lord started several years ago with the beginning of couples therapy related to my husband’s sexual compulsion. Working through the principles of recovery have put me on a path of deeper joy, and a more meaningful partnership with both God, my husband, and while we’re at it, with everyone else in my life as well!

I really believe in the healing power of Christ, and that His teachings and love for each of us gives us a life filled with peace, wisdom, love, and strength, even while the storms around us may rage.

I’m passionate about teaching, knitting, reading, and hot chocolate. We have four children who are the joy of our lives, and I have been married to my husband James for 21 years.

“I am come that they may have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” -John 10:10